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Feb '23
I'm a big fan of It's Always Sunny, if you didn't already know. It was around 2017 to 2020 that the cast decided they wanted to do other things. Other tv shows. Rob McEllenhey did Mythic Quest in 2020. Glenn Howerton did AP Bio in 2018. But before those, there was... The Mick.

Sunny is filled with great characters, but Dee is obviously the worst. Suffice to say, I wasn't anxious to tune into a show about bird-watching, so this show went under my radar for years. With a sudden curiosity and a dash of extreme boredom, it finally appeared on my screen and I what do you know... this show was fucking funny.


Kaitlin Olson plays a more redeemable character in this show, but she is still playing a greedy trashy person. When her sister goes to jail, aunt Mick takes this as an opportunity to mooch hard off the wealthy lifestyle while taking guardianship of the sister's three kids: possibly 7 year old Ben, 12 year old Chip, and 17 year old Sabrina. Then a bunch of dumb funny antics go on for 2 seasons (or 37 episodes), until it all ends on a cliffhanger and gets canceled. The show didn't have a chance, being on Fox network. They'll cancel anything, regardless of quality.

Normally, I hate kids in basically anything, but the Ben actor was adorable. Chip was that asshole bully in Wet Hot American Summer: First Day at Camp, and he's still an asshole here. Sabrina is the preppy high school girl, and the actress playing her is about 25, therefore I can say she is hot. There's also a fat hispanic maid, for good measure. But my favorite of the characters is Jimmy, Mick's "guy".

I quickly recognized Jimmy from something else. The actor Scott MacArthur played Big John from Halloween Kills! And much like his HK counterpart, Jimmy gets beaten to a pulp a lot. And so does the Mick. And even Chip and sometimes even Sabrina. Everyone takes a fair amount of abuse in this show, and physical comedy is always hilarious. I love watching people get hurt.

A few times, I was a bit surprised at how violent this was for regular tv. Mick gets hit by a car (multiple times), face beaten (multiple times), stabbed in the neck with a humongous shard of glass, shot, and more. That's when comedy tv rules set in, and everything is fine in the next episode.

Of all the Sunny actors' side-project shows, this one is easily the trashiest and funniest. That's what makes it comparable to Sunny, and yet it seems to be the least successful in terms of fewest number of seasons. I blame misogyny or some bullshit woke rhetoric, because I'm too lazy to think of anything more to say about this show except that I enjoyed it. She's not like a bird at all in this.

Znep27 says:

Feb '23
I may give it a shot. The only one of those shows I watched was AP Bio, which I liked. But I stopped following it when it moved to a streaming network I wasnโ€™t going to pay for. Now Iโ€™m so disappointed in Glenn for being a part of that dumpster fire, Velma. A show so woke that many leftists suspected it of being made by right wingers as a parody of wokeness. Sadly, itโ€™s sincere.

Have you been watching the Always Sunny podcast? I highly recommend it. A running gag on it is whenever one of the boys brings up one of his other projects, the others act like they have no idea what heโ€™s talking about.

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '23
AP Bio was mildly amusing, but hardly memorable. Glenn is on Velma? emoticon I saw some pic I can only assume is legit that featured Velma covered in blood as she twerks in front of the gang as Fred stares horrified at his mother's impaled corpse. If this was a scene in anything else, it could very well be hilarious, but not in Scooby Doo land!

I didn't even know the Sunny team had a podcast. I know Trailer Park Boys has a podcast, and as much as I love them, I've never even listened to that.

Znep27 says:
#3, Reply to #2

Feb '23
Yeah, Glenn voices Fred. He's the only character they kept white, and he's constantly being belittled for being white and having a micropenis. It's so embarrassing.

Znep27 says:

Mar '23
I'm more than halfway through, and I am pleasantly surprised with this show. I'm surprised at how dark it can get, being that it was on network TV. I feel like had it been on FX or Comedy Central, it might have been able to last longer.

Always Sunny may be able to get away with more vulgar language, but I feel like The Mick matches it on dark subject matter. Like when Chip visited his dad in prison, that was some real fucked up shit.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar '23
FX would have been a great choice. I mean, it's the same parent company, right? Why bother putting anything on FOX ever? Chip's dad's teeth made me laugh.


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