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Oct '23
Sure, go ahead and give them to the company that made the worst entries in the franchise. Any show produced by this company is going to suck. RIP Halloween's TV series. You were dead on arrival.

Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '23
I've been trying to wrap my head around what a Miramax Halloween tv show would be like. They took the series at part 6, and it was soooooo bad that they had to reboot the series to forget the last trio of movies with H20. Then they got greedy and botched an okay thing with Resurrection. After that, they needed to reboot the series for the second time, this time with the RZ remake. The franchise was going nowhere for a few years after those. Miramax demonstrated their lack of concern for this property pretty well.

I think it's safe to say that any tv show they do will probably be... a reboot. A direct sequel to the original again? An episodic remake of the first movie for season 1?

Ballz says:

Oct '23
I don't share your level of concern about Miramax, mainly because the Weinsteins won't be involved this time around. Here's a clip of RZ talking about working with them. I believe him, especially considering the other stories out there about them during H6 and H20, not to mention unrelated movies like Mimic.


Box_a_Hair says:

Mar 9
And this just in... the TV show is going to be... another fucking remake! A "reset" as they call it, because continuity means NOTHING anymore!

Interest plummeting! Is it really that hard to do a proper continuation these days?

#4, Reply to #3

Mar 9
It's gotta be better than that David Gordon Green trilogy.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar 9
I'd give you a dislike to ruin your karma a bit, but I don't want to give you the satisfaction. Besides, I know you're just trying to get me angry, but trust me, this "news" has me angry enough.


Mar 9
What makes you think I believe in karma? I've been cursed since my day of conception.

Box_a_Hair says:
#7, Reply to #6

Mar 9
TE karma. The only type that matters.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.