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Dec '23
I've mostly seen the mainstream stuff, so I'm no connoisseur.

Faves: The Flash (shut up, Vince!), and perhaps a flick I saw a few days ago, Charlie Day's Fool's Paradise, a satire on Hollywood. Plenty of okay movies this year, but nothing really great. Amityville Death Toilet was a good piece of garbage, though.

Worst: Evil Dead Rise, Blue Beetle, The Boogeyman, Knock at the Cabin.

...and for TV...

Poker Face was pretty good, and I enjoyed Gen V. FUBAR wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, and I ejected from The Last of Us early on. Fuck that show.

So what are your favorites of 2023?

zed says:
#21, Reply to #17

Dec '23
Im gonna watch the whole film (I watached the first half so far) I only stopped 10 mins to make that comment.
yes there are films way worse my comment was about how does a film cost 100s of million to make and yet that CGI looked like someone had whipped it together on their home PC during lucnhbreak.

I don't tend to let to other ppls babbling alter how I feel about a film.
Though I do have another complaint of th first half, why the fuck do they have time travel again, how many superhero films with time travel as one of the main premises did they release in the last couple of years?
Its not dr who

markus-san says:
#22, Reply to #21

Dec '23 *
Endgame was released almost 5 years ago so not that one. Can't think of any others.

zed says:
#23, Reply to #22

Dec '23
wasnt it in dr strange, though I misspoke. I meant multiverse, alternative timeline or whatever it is, so you have multiple supermen,spidermen,batmen etc running around. like in this film, we have 2 flashes (& batmans etc)

Its just weak writing. Why should I care if eg superman dies, cause they can just bring him back in an alternative universe and carry on films, its just lazy writing.

Ive seen this in now in at least 3 films in the last couple of years, and I dont even watch superhero films much.

Box_a_Hair says:
#24, Reply to #23

Dec '23
The Flash movie is based on the Flashpoint Paradox comic from about 12 years ago, before multiverse stuff was all the rage. They did an animated version back then, so the movie had to change stuff up a bit, but the concept is the same. Time travel is one of his superpowers.

zed says:
#25, Reply to #24

Dec '23
Fair enuf, but surely theres hundreds of othre flash comicbook stories they could of choosen, i.e. choose something not invloving the current hip new flavour of the month.

This multiverse thing is just a cynical moneygrab.
Donยดt believe me?
I forecast the supposely killed off robert downey will show up later in another film as the iron man
(when both he and disney get hungry for some more cash).
Whats the emotional impact of killing off someone if you can just bring them back any time you want to, its just a reworking of the 'it was all a dream' plot device

Box_a_Hair says:
#26, Reply to #25

Dec '23
The multiverse has endless potential, but it hasn't been wowing me as much as I wish it could. Of course, South Park's recent special about the Panderverse was fucking amazing. A trash epic.

I feel like RDJ will definitely return at some point. My reasoning is basically the headlines about how he reaffirms that he will not return to the role. Disney/Marvel is infamous for intentionally leaking major spoilers to gauge audience response, and the only thing that might restore fan interest are those legacy characters. I am still interested in Deadpool 3 for this reason. Hugh Jackman said he was done being wolverine, then he got bored and they offered him a lot of money.

zed says:
#27, Reply to #26

Dec 11
I finished the flash and its actually not bad at all. Yes the CGI was terrible. but aside from that, there have been a lot worse superhero films recently.
WTF is up with the CGI nick cage, the actor of the generation and they show him as CGI, I could get it if he was flying around doing shit but part of it was CGI of him standing there looking serious

Box_a_Hair says:
#28, Reply to #27

Dec 12
Nic Cage was supposed to do a Superman movie a while ago, but it fell through. This was his chance, yet even he felt underwhelmed by his appearance.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.