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Oct '17
I have ever seen was the boil/goiter/growth on the redneck''s neck at the end of Easy Rider.


It looks 100% real to me, which is why it makes me want to dry heave, yet I was fascinated by it when I first saw the movie a few weeks ago. Deadandburied's post reminded me about it.

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Box_a_Hair says:

Oct '17
Easy Rider is great. In the original "Frankenstein" 1931, Baron Frankenstein (the grumpy old man) has a huge boil on his neck, too. There ain't a good picture of it, but it's definitely a big bump.

Looking at this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_body_horror_media , the standouts to me are Tusk, Videodrome, and The Human Centipede. I've never seen it, but the premise of "Tetsuo: The Iron Man" always creeped me out. It reminds me of that one real-life guy who started turning into a tree (he's since gotten his infected areas amputated).

#11, Reply to #1

Oct '17
Out of your standouts I have only seen Videodrome, which when I get around to officially rating it would be a 9. I have Rabid, but haven't watched it yet.

I at this very moment realize the standouts for me are all (unsurprisingly) directed by Cronenberg. Because Prof. Brundle's transformation.. when he starts pulling his teeth out makes you wince, but the combining clusterfuck at the end has always gave me a sense of sadness/dread.

Turning into a giant fly is bad, but I mean its not a game ender. But fusing a big half ton chunk of metal into your trunk on top if that...emoticon there is no adapting to that. And the thud he makes when he falls out of the pod, it's just perfect.

I've also always found the part in Shivers where the parasites are violently convulsing and spasming around in that guy's stomach a hard watch.

Good acting, that was one hell of a stomach ache and makes me think of when I eat a greasy egg, hashbrown, cheese & hot sausage sammich.

foz says:

Oct '17
The part in Black Swan where Portman picks at and peels the skin off her fingers below the cuticles makes me cringe. That boil does look real, guess it didn't bother mr redneck.


Oct '17
The scene in the original Cabin Fever when the gal is in the bathtub shaving her legs always got me, I think the sound fx is what does it. Recently FTV'd Contracted and that had some moments in it too besides some others already mentioned.

#12, Reply to #3

Oct '17
emoticon If it wasn't for that scene, and the Pancakes! scene, I wouldn't like anything about CF.

Going to read a little about Contracted. I saw Chemical Peel on Chiller some months ago. It's worth a one time view, but only that. It has a nice little twist as to what causes the girls to actually die.

Znep27 says:

Oct '17
Z is for Zygote, from ABCs of Death 2:


And Kuso has a very interesting scene with a boil named Royal.

iceflamez says:
#5, Reply to #4

Oct '17
That's really an excellent choice, holy shit they saved the best for last in that anthology.

Znep27 says:
#6, Reply to #5

Oct '17
Oh yeah, that was easily my favorite segment from either movie.

#15, Reply to #6

Oct '17
Xavier Gens X is for XXL from the 1st ABC's is a dead heat or at least a close 2nd IMO.

iceflamez says:
#17, Reply to #15

Oct '17
There was 1 more segment in the 1st ABCs, some sort of sex/masturbation contest going down, i can't remember the letter/name but that topped the rest of the segments for me. X was obviously the 2nd choice.

NoseOfNicko says:
#10, Reply to #4

Oct '17
Yeah the best segment of both movies easily. It’s awesome.

#13, Reply to #4

Oct '17
emoticon Wow! I thought I had a good idea of how that would turn out, but a little before the 4 minute mark things really go sideways.

Even better than the only segment I can clearly remember from the first movie. I can't remember what letter it is, but a fat woman that wants to lose weight starts taking an electric carving knife to herself.

iceflamez says:
#16, Reply to #13

Oct '17
First ABCs X for XXL or XXXL (if im not mistaken)

Oct '17
In Gerald's Game, a woman handcuffed to a bed peels the skin off her hands pulling the cuffs off. I've only read teh book. Not sure I want to see the movie version.

markus-san says:
#8, Reply to #7

Oct '17
It was very effectively done. One of the best gore scenes of recent memory.

NoseOfNicko says:
#9, Reply to #7

Oct '17
The movie version is pretty fucking nasty. I didn’t look away, but it sure made me cringe.

Tommix says:

Oct '17
maybe some shots of Samantha Eggers in The Brood (by Cronenberg, not surprisingly). Actually, it's more a matter of her eyes being disturbing than the actual body horror... she just looks so insane in some scenes in that movie. I'm probably going to have a nightmare or two about it just because I spent a few seconds thinking about her face for this post.


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