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Feb '19
Based on Marcus's thread, I'm wanting to expand my listening horizons so are looking for album recommendations, this ain't a competition though there are some rules, mainly cause I dont want some idiot listing 100 albums

1. Only list one album at a time
2. wait a decent amount of time between listing an album, like a week
3. Album has to be on spotify www.spotify.com
4. post a link to the album on spotify

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zed says:

Feb '19
1. The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking Roger Waters

markus-san says:
#2, Reply to #1

Feb '19
To me 'Dark Side of the Moon' is more of an "essential" album if you are going to recommend anything prog rock or Pink Floyd related, but I think your idea of recommending whole albums to listen to over a week's period to broaden horizons is a good one. I will definitely check this one out and give you my thoughts.

zed says:
#3, Reply to #2

Feb '19
sorry markus, not marcus emoticon Its a good album no doubt but I'm sure everyone knows it already. And your recommendation is?

zed says:
#12, Reply to #5

Feb '19
Been listening a bit, fuck they sing in Spanish in part, such an ugly language, WTF am I living in a subset of Spain, certainly not for the cunty language!

ZombieCPA says:

Feb '19 *
I am not going to join Spotify. This is on youtube. Blue Oyster Cult’s Imaginos. Their 11th studio album which took 8 years. This is a concept album and heavily influenced by the works of Lovecraft.


Tommix says:

Feb '19
I always thought the album So, by Peter Gabriel, was pretty great.

zed says:
#9, Reply to #8

Feb '19
hmmm just listened, must be like the first time in 25+ years
"we do what we\re told" wow thats a flash back it was like tripping (there are few pieces of music that have this effect on me, I think its like triggering my days when I used to smoke) I must of heard this album heaps at the time back in those days

Tommix says:
#10, Reply to #9

Feb '19
yeah, I think that album was playing pretty frequently in plenty of dorm rooms, apartments, homes and other dwellings, for a year or two there. In some ways it's dated, but in other ways I think it still holds up well.

DerTables says:

Feb '19 *
Back when country music meant something, good old Willie made one of the best story based concept albums I've ever heard. A story of love and betrayal and outlaws and cowboys. A great story, he even made a movie based on it of the same name.

Here is 1975's Redheaded Stranger

foz says:

Mar '19


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.