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Music rants

by zed

Dec '22
So as not to clutter the shoutbox, heres a seperate thread.

#42, Reply to #40

Feb 13
Ya know Zed, been thinking about it and...
"If I wanted any lip outta you, I'd lower my zipper!"

#41, Reply to #39

Feb 13 *
...and now I know why I've never heard of them. Korean pop, might as well be listening to Menudo if you ask me.

zed says:
#43, Reply to #41

Feb 13 *
You were too young to grow up with the beatles

fear not, theres many that think BTS is bigger than the beatles.
Next stop, bigger than jesus (who's actually quite big in South Korea)
Though none of the members have the largest arms in the WWF


#44, Reply to #43

Feb 13 *
Hail South Korean Jesus!..and Wtf are you a year or 2 older than me?

Tromafreak says:

Mar 23
Listened to the new Judas Priest album earlier. A pretty strong album for their standards, imo, but as a vocalist, I think Rob Halford is overrated as his voice does nothing for me. Kinda sounds like one of those voices that used to be good but now sounds like shit due to age, but he's pretty much always sounded like this. To me, he sounds like prime Axl Rose without the attitude and charisma. Of course, Axl sounds a thousand times worse than Halford these days. That guy needs to fuck off forever. But yeah. Some singers can have a not so great voice while, at the same time, having a pretty great voice. I don't think Rob Halford is one of them.

Box_a_Hair says:
#46, Reply to #45

Mar 24
I think he still sounds good. Do you prefer Ripper Owens? I was listening to an Iced Earth song that featured both singers Matt Barlow AND Ripper Owens and I prefer Ripper in that instance.

Tromafreak says:
#48, Reply to #46

Mar 24
I was wondering why you brought up such a random singer, but it occured to me that there was that one album without Halford, but I haven't heard that one yet. There's a few JP albums I still haven't heard. However, I did recently discover Iced Earth. Definitely my favorite metal discovery of the year so far. I didn't realize one of their singers was the one that filled in for Halford that time. I think I prefer Barlow, but I haven't heard much from Owens yet. Looks like they've had a couple other singers over the years.

Box_a_Hair says:
#51, Reply to #48

Mar 24
Ripper did two albums with JP I think. Right around the time Blaze Bayley did two albums for Maiden. The lead singers in both bands got big-headed and tried out a solo career before realizing the band's stuff was still the main attraction.

Iced Earth is pretty good. I always thought Horror Show as a cool album. I used to listen to Blind Guardian a lot, and they're okay. The Iced Earth guitarist and the Blind Guardian singer did a side project band called Demons & Wizards, and I always thought they were pretty kick-ass. I might even like that band more than IE.

markus-san says:
#47, Reply to #45

Mar 24 *
Bollocks. Rob Halford is one of the greatest metal singers of all time and still sounds great. And I don't know what you mean by "by their standards". Are you saying Priest are usually shit?

You wait until Nicko hears about this. He'll shit a brick. I'm disappointed in you Troma, very disappointed. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#49, Reply to #47

Mar 24 *
No, I definitely don't think Priest is shit, but definitely a little overrated. They're good. And they've come out with some albums that I'd call REALLY good. Sad Wings Of Destiny being my favorite. But yeah. I wouldn't call them great... Maybe if they had a better singer. emoticon

#50, Reply to #47

Mar 24
"I'm your Turbo Lover, Turbo Lover! Love me like there's no other!"

zed says:

Apr 13
1. Listening to all bowies albums (for the first time in maybe 5 years)
I'm like have I never heard 'Lodger' before. The funny thing is, I remember now going back decades I say the same thing every time I hear it. I guess I just blot it out of my memory each time.

2. Fuck the Bowie estate are really shit-dumping new albums, god what a joke. Its not hendrix levels of badness but FFS stop flogging that dead rockstar

zed says:

Apr 15
Fugazi may be the only band who made a few albums where their 2 best albums were there first (13 songs I'm counting) and last

zed says:

Apr 30
Carcass should rerecord their first 2 albums.
Way too muddy, can't fucking hear anything, I didn't like them when they came out. (I was living in a drug flat at the time on the couch) But listening now I can see I prolly wasn't giving them credit

#55, Reply to #54

Apr 30
I don't understand... love Fugazi but think Minor Threat is overrated? Sure you were born in the 70s?

zed says:
#56, Reply to #55

May 1
IIRC Most(all?) of minor threat's stuff is as muddy as buggery as well.

zed says:
#58, Reply to #56

Jun 4
actually this is true (sorry - just made a new post and saw this) - Yes its bad form is agree with onesself but fuck it. I'm an adult

zed says:

Jun 4
bedhead - powderhead - the best slowcore song?


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.